Sunday, September 14, 2008

The week of firsts

It has been a week of firsts for us here in the royal kingdom: For the princesses, the first day of school has come and gone, as well as the start of dance, gymnastics, and Brownie meetings. Although there is no "first tooth," Prince Dominic is doing his fair share of new things. He is now going effortlessly from sitting to belly or his knees. He will be crawling in no time! He has also begun to flip himself over from his back to belly while sleeping, waking himself in the process. Needles to say the King and Queen are tired!

This picture was taken at the Bus stop on Renee's first day of first grade. She was a bit nervous as it was a new teacher and a new set of classmates. Renee had such a great kindergarten year with Mrs. Robinson that she was uncertain how she was going to enjoy Mrs. McPherson. Also, her best school chum was not going to be in her class and she was certain that Meredith was going to forget about her. The night before school started they called each other and decided to meet the next day at recess in front of the slide. Too cute! I'm happy to report that the week went well and Meredith HAS NOT forgotten about Renee. In fact, they meet every recess in front of the slide and have been calling each other almost every night on the phone. Mrs. McPherson has also turned out to be a delight. Renee comes home each day with something exciting to share. She has also had homework each night. Something else we've had to work into our schedule. So far it really has not been too difficult and she seems to enjoy doing it, especially when it involves glue!

Chloe also started school. She is going to Laugh and Learn Pre-school every Tuesday and Thursday with Ms. Kimmie. It is the same place Renee attended and thus, Chloe was well aware of what was awaiting her. She was SOOOOO excited. On the first day, Chloe charged right in as if she owned the place. She sat right down next to Kimmie and dug right in to the snacks in front of her with out hesitation.

When Michael picked her up Kimmie's first words were "Well, she's full of P and V. I can't wait to see what she's like when she's comfortable!" Needless to say, Chloe had a great first day and was accident free! However, trouble lied ahead when she returned to day care. She had such a good time at school that she didn't want to leave and spent the rest of the afternoon crying and giving Jen a bit of grief. We are helping Chloe to see both places are fun and full of loving people and good friends. The transition between school and day care is going to be more of a challenge than originally anticipated. By week's end, she found her niche in both spots.

The girls also started their extra-curricular activities. They have returned to Gymnation in Kennebunk to do an hour of gymnastics and tumbling each week. Chloe is now in "big girl" gymnastics and no longer needs mommy or daddy to be part of class. She is very enthusiastic and is the first to do what is asked of her and can usually do it well after having spent many years watch big sister Renee do the same skills and drills. She is a powerhouse and a bit of a bull in a china shop. Watch out! Most of the other kids stand back and just let her go ahead. Is it a surprise that her name is the one called out the most????!!! Both girls are also signed up for a weekly dance class. After quite an ordeal of trying to get tap shoes to fit Chloe's small but rather wide feet, she has found her happy feet! Mommy kept all of Renee's old tap shoes in hopes of using them again but Chloe's feet just wouldn't fit into any of them so they had to be special ordered. She also got a new leotard out of the deal as her build is also not the same as Renee's and the one Renee used at this age was just a tad bit too loved.

Renee had her first meeting as a Brownie. We are now busy learning the Promise, Pledge and a few songs. We had to order her a vest and go shopping for the materials for her first badge, sewing. She will be making a "sit upon." Mommy was proud to be the only parent to know what that was! We had fun this weekend digging up mommy's sash and badges and pictures. Renee is very excited to sell cookies and go "camping" in her leader's back yard.

The prince has also had an exciting few days. He moved up to Chloe's old car seat and seems quite comfortable in it. This means Chloe got a big girl seat. Unfortunately she can now unbuckle herself. We've had to threaten that if she does that again with out asking, we will have to move her back to her old seat and go get Dominic a new one. That seems to have worked!

Dominic is sitting quite well and is transitioning well from butt to belly to knees. His smile and giggles are infectious and in no time we will be chasing his little "behind" around.

He rocks on his knees but has not got the crawling motion going yet. He spins around on his belly and moves backward well. He has also started to pull himself up to a "squat" but has not figured out how to stand. I'm sure this is only a matter of time as well...Here he is watching Chloe splash around in the tub anxiously awaiting his turn.

Ah, our kingdom is full of enchantment!


Anonymous said...

They are getting so big. Your son is so handsome too!
That is so good Renee loves first grade and even does not mind the homework. Alex is the same way. He looks forward to the homework. Hope it lasts!!
Sounds like Chloe is ready for kindergarten a year or two early!!
Hope all is well and your settling into a routine of work, school, activities with a little bit of down time here and there.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to come in and check up on you!!
I also began a new blog here at blogger and wanted to leave my link with you.
Take care and enjoy the beautiful weekend we are going to have.