Monday, July 21, 2008


After being inspired by my friend Wendy's blog about her family's two years in Japan, the birth of her son and now their life back in the states, I decided to blog in order to share our family's happenings. I honestly looked forward, and still do, to each of her new posts! I hope you will feel the same about our blog.

Since I have been sharing my classroom and student's experiences with parents via a simple blog on our school's e-mail provider for the past year, I figured it was time to focus on my family and take it to the next level and use a more advanced blogger. I find it hard to keep in touch with everyone, and share our news. Not to mention, I love to share pictures of my kids. What better way to accomplish all that than with this blog?

Getting started was the hardest part. Finding time these days is hard to do. Not to mention I can always find something else I should be doing like dishes, laundry or playing the role of activities director to our little darlings.

Michael helped me decide on the name "Chateau Carbonneau." It is perfect! It represents our Franco-American heritage, my profession as a French teacher as well as pays homage to a place we hope to one day visit: Chateau Carbonneau a bed and breakfast and vineyard in France between St-Emilion and Bergerac. We joke that the Chateau is our "home" in France we pretend to own, but may never visit. They produce wine but we are unable to get it delivered to us here in Maine. Maybe someday we will get a chance to visit it and taste it for ourselves. The place is HUGE so you will have to visit us =:) Check out the link.
The real Chateau Carbonneau:

Voici le chateau...
Also, the name is fitting as our house is full of royalty! We've got two beautiful princesses, Renee and Chloe, a handsome prince, Dominic and 3 royal subjects, our cats Millie, Smokey and Diego.

Maybe tomorrow I'll start describing our summer...On verra! Au revoir!

P.S. My Sister in law Rachael has also created a blog about her upcoming wedding. 10 years ago such a thing didn't exist! Ah, modern love!

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