Monday, March 2, 2009

Enchanted holidays

Like our holiday cards, this "new blog in the New Year" is a bit late! Thank you to those who keep checking faithfully hoping for the update as promised by our Christmas, er, holiday cards.

The holiday season started like most: Chilly weather, the fall of snow, and the hunt for the perfect tree. Like years past we went to a local tree farm to find that perfect tree. We particularly like this tradition as it is reminiscent of the scene in Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation and always sets the tone for the Christmas season. We also enjoy going to this tree farm as it is much like one stop shopping. For the price of a good tree we also get a visit with Santa and there is no line! Our visit is finished with warm apple cider and candy canes. The girls have grown to love this tradition like us. This year we decided to go late afternoon rather than first thing in the morning. Big mistake! We arrived to find out that Santa had already left his cute little visiting house for the day. The girls were devastated. We deliberated whether or not we should just come back the next day but we already had plans and that would mean trying to squeeze too much into one day. Also, we had been asked to pick up a tree for my parents and my brother was coming home the next day to help my mom decorate. Luckily we found out that a local community center was having a tree lighting ceremony later that evening and Santa would be there. Whew! The Santa problem solved! So we began our search for the perfect tree. Halfway through the hunt the girls decided they needed a potty break. On our way Renee found a beautiful tree. We left daddy there to stand guard of what she later nick named her "pee pee tree." At second look, mommy wasn't so sure but by that point Dominic had had it and Chloe had lost interest. it was cold! Thank goodness we had found meme and pepere's tree first!

We packed them in the truck and quickly brought the trees home, shoved some food in our faces and headed off to see Santa. The girls were first in line but neither one of them would sit with Santa. From a distnace they whispered their wishes. Renee another American Girl Doll and Chloe a Rockin' Guitar. Daddy tried to put Dominic in his lap but he began crying before his tushy even hit Santa's velvet pants. Oh well. No picture with Santa this year! At least we got one of them "around" him. After our encounter with Santa we ran into a college friend I hadn't seen in years and her daughter. Of all places, and all people, it was Santa that brought this chance meeting!

We came home and took out the egg nog and began decorating the tree. It is so difficult for the queen to let go of the out come and have patience with the royal children's decorating skills. In the end the tree was beautiful and no rearranging was done while they were sleeping, I swear!

The same weekend Renee and mommy went to their first American Girl Doll Tea put on by the York Rec Department. Held at the York Harbor Inn, this girl and doll only tea was every girl's, including Renee's, dream come true. The Inn was beautifully decorated, the food delicious and the whole afternoon simply delightful. The girls ate, held their tea cups just so, made crafts associated with the time period of their dolls, and learned to be ladies. The girls dressed in fancy dresses and their dolls matched too. It was well organized and fun for both girl and doll. Renee loved it. I served as the event's official photographer and my pictures were used in the town paper. Here are a few of Renee and her doll.

The next weekend a terrible ice storm hit and we lost power for several days. Although beautiful outside, the ice caused a lot of people, including ourselves, a lot of damage. With no electricity our sub pump doesn't run nor can we flush the toilets. The end result: lots of water in the basement, the loss of some stuff and a house that smelt like a port-a-potty. Mike went all over NE in hopes of finding a cord to match the generator we borrowed but ended up coming home with another generator. It was so cold in our house that we spent some time at my parents who did have a generator. We were out of school for two days. Four days total of no heat and power. We were greasy, cranky, and tired people at the end of the ordeal.

In the meantime we tried to get that perfect Christmas card photo. After seeing a few of our friends' cards, maybe we'll use some of the out takes instead next year. What a headache! Getting Dominic to sit still was hard enough when one is a natural poser and the other thought smiling meant thrusting her chin forward and making her eyes bug out of her head. In the end I believe we managed a pretty decent shot. Maybe professional ones would be easier. I just enjoy trying to get that perfect shot and trying to be creative.

Next came Dominic's first birthday. It is hard to believe the prince is already a year old. The day of Dominic's actual birthday we took the kids to Portland's Narrow Gauge Railroad for a ride on the "Polar Express." What an adventure!

It was a very snowy afternoon and travel was slow going. We actually missed our train and had to wait to board another. It was very cold and snowy. The kids were not impressed with the weather and were in a bit of shock until the train pulled out of the station. Chloe was mesmerized by the trip and Dominic took it all in with wide eyes. Chloe watched out the windows and Dominic was engrossed in his cookie and hot chocolate.

Renee noticed that one of the elves happened to be her school librarian and was very attentive to the reading of the Polar Express story.

Everyone got their ticket "punched" by the conductor and enjoyed delicious treats while listening to the music and the story.

The next day, on a day between two storms, we held Dominic's first birthday party. The weather and flu kept many people away but all in all the party was a success. Dominic enjoyed his cake and was our only child to eat his/her first birthday cake with a utensil. As you can see from the pictures, a spork did not keep him any cleaner! The cake was green and covered with little trucks. Dominic's next few poops were also green and his little bum was too! It took a couple of days for both to return to normal color.

After Dominic's birthday we began our Christmas celebrations. As always we spent Christmas Eve with family friends. Julie came over during the day and helped the girls make cookies.

Grandma Jean and Grandpa Skip proudly showed off their new grandson Jayden at their annual Christmas Eve gathering.

The food was good and the time enjoyed. The kids were sufficiently wound up and ready for Santa's visit. That evening Dominic took his first steps and hasn't looked back since. All slept well that night. Well, sort of! The girls came in to wake us at 1:30 a.m. excitedly announcing that Santa had come. We sent them back to bed but they were back before 6 a.m. We were done opening presents and ready for Meme and pepere by 7 a.m. After opening more presents we gathered our things and made our way to Rockport for a celebration with Michael's family. We took the time to pose for a family portrait with Michael's grandmother (age 99) and her brother (age 90) front and center.

The kids loved seeing their extended family and the chatter of family was energizing. It is amazing to see how fast everyone grows and where everyones' lives are headed. New babies, new marriages/engagements, new adventures, old stories and old family members made the experience worth all the stress of traveling.

Christmas continued with presents and time spent with family. The girls were very excited to spend time with their soon to be cousin Addison and their Tante and her fiance Ross. Of course the kids were sufficiently spoiled by love and wonderful gifts (Tante has great taste and Grandmaman and Papa very generous). We weren't sure how we were going to fit everything in the van to take home.

The holidays brought new developments: Teeth lost, teeth found and first steps. Dominic went from a tentitive few steps on Christmas Eve to Running by New Years Eve. He was quite proud of himself. Now there is no stopping him! Look out Renee and Chloe!

This year we spent New Years Eve at home. It was snowing yet again, and Daddy went out and picked up Chines food. We gathered around the coffee table to eat and watch "It's a Wonderful Life." The girls LOVED the food and the movie. A good time was had by all. We are looking forward to a wonderful and hopeful 2009. Keep checking for new posts and updates!

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